100 Acts of Sewing

An interesting project with gallery, patterns and even a quote from Marx…

Sewing clothes creates value through the appreciation of skill, the awareness of tradition, and the creation of agency. In Das Kapital, Karl Marx writes “He who satisfies his own need with the product of his own labour admittedly creates use values, but not commodities.” We exist in a world of hyper-commodification where sewing can act as a balm. When we sew our own clothes, we become mindful of the time and labor that goes into each garment and the cost that piece work and production line assembly must have on the human body. In this way, the education of the audience ultimately comes from the de-alienation of the process

Summer frock


This is made from cotton lawn fabric from the Sydney Rd Brunswick store, Unique Fabrics. Pattern was a Dottie Angel design for Simplicity, downloaded as not available* in Australia. Download really clunky and almost disastrous, unlike Burda or Stylearc downloads which are user-friendly.
Fabric was $15.

*actually it is now available in the Simplicity autumn pattern range.